Update: As reported by istartedsomething these images are chinese software generated, hence fake. These Chinese are taking over the software world too with fake apps, beware. Also don’t have further information on the possible Windows 8 Build 7955 leak. Wait and watch.
We already saw few leaked Windows 8 App store images last week and we now have more screenshots to share. These screenshots believed to be captured from Windows Build 7955 Milestone 3 reveals that Windows 8 App store do exist. Also Build 7955 M3 is believed to be available on some FTP server now and a possible public leak imminent.
The screenshots reveal Microsoft’s own Security Essentials software pack along with many other Windows tools. This looks similar to the images of English version of App store leaked last week.
Update: Windows 8 Build 7955 is now available on some FTP server. Awaiting details.