Beautify Ubuntu GRUB Loader User Interface Using BURG Themes


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GRUB loader Ubuntu themes

If you have dual booted any Linux distro with windows or Mac OS X you surely will have come across the GRUB boot loader. It’s the GRUB loader that helps select which OS to boot into with an interface during booting time. But the default interface is minimalistic in nature and there is nothing much to count on. But linux being a community project you can always expect enthusiasts popping up with themes. Yes, you can theme your GRUB boot loader too.

The BURG ( Brand New Universal Bootloader ) is an alternative ( based on GRUB ) for non animated default Linux GRUB boot loader. Once after installing BURG you can visually experience the awesome looking boot loader themes.

How to install BURG boot loader themes in Ubuntu :

In order to successfully theme your GRUB boot loader using BURG these 3 steps needed to be performed.

1) Adding BURG PPA ( Parallel Port Adapter )

2) Installing BURG to Master Boot Record

3) Updating BURG files


1) Adding BURG PPA:-

Run the following command lines from terminal window one after the other.sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bean123ch/burgsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes

2) Installing BURG to Master Boot Record

Now you have to install BURG to MBR ( Master Boot Record) of your hard disc. Usually it will be on hd0, that is MBR of the first Hard disc.sudo burg-install “(hd0)”

3) Update BURG entries

Make sure you update the BURG entries before re-booting for the BURG loader to show up.

Some of the cool looking BURG themes available now:

winter GRUB loader BURG Ubuntu theme


refit BURG GRUB loader Ubuntu theme

Ubuntu with circular progress

ubuntu BURG GRUB loader theme


radiance BURG GRUB loader Ubuntu theme

find more BURG themes!